The Nightly Kitty Massage ... 

June 26, 2005

Fiona has made a lot of progress in becoming a domesticated cat. While still a little skittish when she hears loud noises or sees quick movements around her, she has become a lovable, meowing member of the family. She still spends the night in the kitchen/laundry room area, but from the time we get up until the time we go to bed, she roams most of the house looking for new adventures or just a quiet spot where she can soak up some sun or get away from Andy or me. Eileen's a different story. She follows her around and usually hangs out where Eileen is.

There is one place where she always appears around 7:30 or 8:00 at night. That's by Eileen's legs near the kitchen table. Fiona has a standing appointment at Eileen's Kitty Massage every night. For 30 minutes or so, Fiona is treated to a full body massage, erasing all of that tension that can cause a  cat to get grumpy. Included at no extra charge is teeth cleaning (no flossing) to keep her teeth tartar free! (As strange as this sounds, the Vets strongly encourage this with a straight face. If this is so important to a pet's teeth, how come we never see any cats and dogs with dentures?)

Fiona loves this part of the day - so much so that when Eileen  stayed overnight at her folk's house recently, Fiona broke down and let another masseuse take Eileen's place for one night! I stopped short of brushing her teeth, though.


Climber news!!!! Fiona finally figured out how to use her climber (see the last picture on this page). She now regularly climbs up and checks out the other levels.

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Hey now!     It's kitty massage time!!!!!!